Friday 2 September 2011

Justin Bieber Car Crash - Heritage Implications

Some of you may be aware that the "teenage pop sensation" Justin Beiber has been in the news lately having survived a car crash in a Ferrari. There was some initial speculation that he was critically injured or worse still, dead. But it seems all parties involved were unhurt and that can only be a good thing.

I've not heard any of Beiber's music personally but nothing can be so bad as to wish ill fortune upon a person (with the possible exception of Jedward). However I digress.

Closer investigation of this sensational story reveals that the Ferrari and a Honda Civic bumped in a car park the result of which according to the police, "Neither cars suffered any visible damage." So, you may think, its just some news creation by the media pandering to our need for a celebrity culture fix. In which case you miss the point entirely.

What is upsetting is the total lack of coverage for the car parking space involved. As a passionate, ok obsessive, promoter of car parking space heritage - the wanton lack of interest in the location of the incident is indecent. The only description of the location I could find was, 'underground parking structure.' This sounds a glamorous and dangerously sexy car park. So a pop star, a car crash and a sexy car park is the ideal opportunity to promote the importance of car parking heritage. As it is in the USA it should be made a national park NOW. A whole new sub category of 'national car park' could be created in the wake of this.

I realise I may be ahead of public opinion in this matter, but if you ignore me just think ahead. When the oil runs out and cars are consigned to history and boring stories told by grandfathers, car parks will pulled down, destroyed and built over in their thousands without a murmur of protest. You have been warned. So start the 'Save the Bieber space' campaign now. Sign up and make a difference.

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