Saturday 23 June 2012

Dealing with criticism from underperforming museum staff - the 'Unreasoning Way'

This blog continues to chart the move to trust status of the Museum of Unreason. Over the past few weeks I have been working on the detailed business plan. However the interim report I sent to the guiding committee, and I quote from the executive summary,

"...the museum makes no sense as a business and is unsustainable, will continue to be unsustainable and will never ever be sustainable while I have anything to do with it...",

has resulted in criticism of my management, when it was clearly my intention to blame everybody else.

So now is an appropriate time to deal with the criticism and at the same time offer advice on how to deal with underperforming staff. Firstly a word of warning, this cannot be done quickly, much time must be spent in front of the mirror practising your sincerity before tackling the situation. Assuming, like me, you do it as a matter of course when you look in the bathroom mirror every morning lets cut to the chase.

1. Analyse the nature of the performance shortfall and quantify all the reasons you can think of why the staff are to blame.You only need to do this once then keep photocopies in your filing cabinet with gaps to put the name in when the occasion arises.

2. Meet with the scapegoat key member of staff in a relaxed non-threatening environment. I prefer the gents toilets (toilet rolls handy to deal with manipulative tears and also for comfort breaks when the meeting drags on).

3. Make sure that all parties are aware that this is a positive meeting and begin by asking how we as a team can come up with solutions to the problems.

4. Listen very very carefully and pull the sincere face you've been practising in the mirror A LOT. But what you are waiting for is any admission of error, weakness, culpability on his/her part that has contributed to the problem. As an experienced and competent manager like myself you will be forced to listen to a lot of the blame being directed towards you, but as an experienced and competent manager like myself you know this to be a sign of staff incompetence and it is your job to prove it.

5. At the end of the exchange of views, clarify and summarise the meeting in an objective, non-judgemental and sympathetic way then immediately replace the useless waster with someone who can actually do the work, preferably on a voluntary basis.

Job done! Thus we move one step closer to sustainability, and in the case of getting rid of the curator not having to listen to constant demands for acid free paper when we have piles of toilet roll to use up.

My next task - start paying my staff in Euros.

Saturday 2 June 2012

The Jumblies Jubilee

The Museum of Unreason has taken a break from planning it's inexorable move towards trust status to celebrate the fact that our noble Queen isn't dead yet. Thus we all get an extra day off work to celebrate life and that is a good thing. However in the museum world it means we have to open our doors for longer so no day off for us.

However, the management sent me a memo for me to organise 'something, anything for the Jumbilee'. I think there may have been a misprint as I know the Jumblies have the 'i' after the 'l'. But I found it a strange coincidence that there was an Edward Lear anniversary (he was born in 1812) the very same year that the Queen was still alive. So I hit upon THE JUMBLIES JUBILEE - a red, white and blue celebration of sieve based water transport.

So if you visit the Museum of Unreason this weekend all the staff and volunteers (the ones who haven't resigned) have had their heads painted green and their hands painted blue. On sale is no end of Stilton cheese, owls, useful carts, pounds of rice and cranberry tarts (sure to be big sellers - kindly supplied by Mrs. Aged-Volunteer).The live pig and monkey have been a bit of a handful, but putting neat brandy in their food seems to have calmed them down. However there is jackdaw poo everywhere (the cleaner is going to kill me once I've persuaded her to withdraw her resignation).

I made it my personal challenge to brew up 40 bottles of Ring-Bo-Ree. Unfortunately the internet and in particular Wikipedia has let me down - they don't have the recipe.

So my idea for fun for all the family is 'brew your own Ring-Bo-Ree'

In the interest of research I thought I'd better test the idea with a recipe of my own. Exploring my drinks cupboard I began to experiment.

1 shot of vodka
1 shot of schnapps
1 shot of brandy
1 shot of gin
1 shot of Etna Fire (much regretted drunken holiday purchase)
1 shot of whiskey
1 shot of whisky
1 ice cube, 1 umbrella, 1 straw, 1 bucket
another shot of brandy
more vodka
more brandy
a bit more vodka
morr wiskie
sum more brindie
bigger bukket

who you looking at?
I luv you, I've always luvved you
Of course I always dance like this
Ooh I never realised the ceiling looked like that

Edward Lear RIP & God Save the Queen