Sunday 16 October 2011

MA Conference - President's Abba inspired speech (apparently)

My accident prone conference experience meant that I missed the Presidential Address (needless to say a manhole cover and a pair of rollerblades were involved), but I was led to believe her speech was inspired by Abba after which she led the audience in a tribute singalong. So in the noble tradition of historians who accurately describe events at which they were not present and of which they have no knowledge, here is a verbatim transcript of the President's introduction which led to the sing along.

"Fellow conference delegates, since the last general election change has been the name of the game. Nothing is certain; the sector has tipped head over heels and is under attack. Has the museum sector met its Waterloo in the shape of Ed Vaizey? The cuts go on and on and on while he continues to be obsessed with the visitors. I say to the Minister, does your mother know what you're doing? Why not give her a ring. Ring her and I wonder what she will say? I do, I do, I do, I do, I do really think the winner takes it all culture is alien to museums. We do not want to encourage a gimme gimme gimme frenzy for hard pressed heritage organisations.

I can reflect back on the pre-election landscape. The day before you came, unaware that this would be our last summer of certainty, I dared believe museums were making a difference. The eagle of hope soared. As the Rugby Union world cup is being held in New Zealand can we be inspired by their badge of identity, the fern, and do the impossible by surviving the next five years? Is it possible that I have a dream that these good times will return? Or is it now just pub talk nostalgia in the way old friends do when they meet?

Am I a Cassandra? When all is said and done museums are something you can take a chance on. Me? I believe it strongly. I plead with the Minister that museums are super. Trouper that he is, I'm sure if we tell him about the great work museums do he will fight our cause in Government more strongly. As President I hope for all museums that you will be persuaded to lay all your love on. Me? I will work hard to deliver an SOS on behalf of the sector. I won't give up knowing me. Knowing you I am confident you will all back me up on this.

I say to the Minister one of us is here to stay and it is the museum sector. In five years you will be gone and we will be dancing. Queen of culture the V&A will be saying 'so long' Vaizey in a new exhibition titled 'The Departure'."

"So can I ask you all to stand and circle your handbags  and sing along with me.....

'I work all night I work all day to pay the bills I have to pay, ain't it sad.....' "

Taste and decency does not allow me to describe the 70s inspired gyration that followed.

(Prizes available to guess the number of Abba tracks referenced in the speech)

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