Wednesday 7 November 2012

Corrected Correction

The reaction to yesterdays blog A Correction from the people of God's Own City (London to you and me) has been somewhat negative. Upon re-re-reading it I realise that a few more grammatical errors on my intern's part may have led some to that conclusion. I have sacked my new intern (from the Yorkshire Post) and replaced him at short notice with my new intern (recently made redundant from the Antarctic Bugle as her articles lacked warmth) to correct the corrections as follows:

1. "I used to regard the East Midlands as a sort of geographical barrier between London and civilisation i.e. Yorkshire. A sort of regional Hadrian's Wall. It has proved surprisingly poor at its main (only) job as I am assaulted on a regular basis by fruity southern vowels when strolling through the leafy thoroughfares of Doncaster." 

should have read,

 "I used to regard the East Midlands as a sort of geographical barrier between the Arctic and civilisation i.e. anywhere warm. A sort of regional Hadrian's Wall. It has proved surprisingly good at its main (only) job as I am never assaulted on a regular basis by Inuit dialects when strolling through the leafy thoroughfares of warm places without snow all year round."

2. "..Robin Hood a Londoner? Surely Londoners take from the poor to give to the rich."

should have read,

"..Robin Hood an Eskimo? Unlikely, although it might explain the strange smell of fish "

I hope that any misunderstandings are now resolved and we can all go back to ignoring the north south divide.

Now I can go to the Museums Association Conference confident in the knowledge that my interns have offended everyone equally.

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